Children at Wedding

Banning Children at Weddings

With the Royal Wedding fast approaching, I heard today that Harry and Meghan have 6 bridesmaids and 4 pageboys all under the age of ten. Oh my WORD, that’s a lot of tantrums waiting to happen!

So how do you feel about children at weddings? Let’s take a short quiz…

a) A wedding is generally a celebration among family and friends, and what are children if not part of the family? Would you want to look back in a few years’ time, once little Peter has grown up and regret not having him there as an integral part of the big day?


b) Would you rather look back at your photos and be relieved that your wedding dress wasn’t smeared with dirty handprints and snot, with little Peter firmly entrenched underneath your satin ruffles?


OK, next….

a) How cute is little Emily going to look dressed up as a bridesmaid, tottering down the aisle before you, carefully distributing rose petals from a little basket? Guaranteed to make all the congregation smile, and then laugh as she does something cute and funny which everyone will want to capture on camera.


b) Would you rather enjoy your special day that you’ve planned for months and months with no distractions or worries, and without the aforesaid cute little Emily screeching at the top of her lungs just as the vicar pronounces you man and wife?

Tantrum in church

Children are a part of the family, so why not have them at your wedding if it makes you happy? They are a messy, noisy, fun and unpredictable part of real life so they should undoubtedly be a part of your big day if you want them to be, and sod what anyone else says. If you want them to be quiet during the ceremony, then why not set up a creche in another room? Or if you want to involve them in the ceremony then it really will be be hilarious when Emily has the screaming abdabs when her rose petals have run out.

I didn’t have children at my own wedding other than close family, and that was our personal choice, probably due to the fact that we didn’t have any of our own. Children get bored easily and are then hard to contain for their frazzled parents who might actually want a day to relax, child-free, too! And to be brutally honest, I really didn’t want Emily and Peter kicking off in the middle of the ceremony.

Do you know what though? I don’t think there is a right answer. It’s entirely up to the individual, and no matter what the bride and groom decide….it’s their day and their wedding.

So, as for Harry and Meghan…good luck to them. Undoubtedly their tiny entourage will each have an individual nanny in attendance for any mishaps, and there’s always the threat of the Tower just around the corner to keep them in check.

And it could’ve been worse….at least they banned the politicians.

Trump baby

2 thoughts on “Banning Children at Weddings”

  1. You can’t ban children from Weddings, children can make the day. It’s bad parenting that should be banned ?

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